Sunday, July 25, 2010

Baby Steps

So, I have recharged and recommitted. Today, I began the journey again with baby steps. As I was cleaning out my kitchen and dealing with trash and recycling, I actually took the time to sort through the trash and retrieve items that could be recycled that weren't. Not a pleasant task, necessarily, but eye-opening as I filled another bag for recycling that would've ended up in a dumpster. Pretty cool, huh? Baby steps. That's all they are. But every journey starts with them.

Friday, July 23, 2010

It's Not Easy Being Green

Kermit was not kidding. See what I did to these plants?
See, I posted last over three months ago. Why? For a lot of reasons, but most of all, because I felt like a COMPLETE failure. So here is my list of confessions -- I started using paper towels again, I keep forgetting to take the shopping bags I bought, and as you can see... I am a vicious plant killer!
So I was embarrassed and stopped writing. And then I realized -- maybe I am not alone. Many of us start out with all sorts of wonderful ideas and loads of commitment. But then life's difficulties tire and dishearten us. And at least in my case, I started getting lazy and falling back into bad habits. Has that happened to you?
Well, I'm admitting it and I am going to try to get back on the ecological bandwagon. I know that for many of you, this comes naturally. But I did not come from a conservation-based history. I am fighting a lot of years of habit. So, if this is second nature, please share your thoughts. If you, however, are more like me -- let's take this journey together. I'll encourage you if you can encourage me. And with each baby step, we can make huge strides toward a healthier home for ourselves and our children.